Given the recent changes in airport security it makes even more sense to be extremely organised. Being organised makes the trip a lot less stressful and you can sit back and enjoy.
I used to travel about one out of every three days and as a result I became pretty familiar with the whole airport routine. I quickly learned that the key to making travel more efficient was to be organised in advance. Regardless of whether or not you are a privileged traveler, organisation is key.
Below are my tips for making your airport experience efficient and stress free. Okay so you are going to think I'm a little crazy with how organised/planned I am when travelling but trust me even if you implement a few of these tips, you will find the airport process much smoother.
Efficiency, starts way before the airport arrival!
1. Plan Luggage Ahead
Organise all of your clothing on the bed to optimise the number of pieces you need to take. Make sure all pieces mix and match in this way you can limit the number of pieces you have to take but still have a variety of different looks. Before the new security rules, I could pack a carry on for up to 3 weeks of travel.
Make sure you reduce the number of shoes (these are heavy!).
Lugging a heavy luggage around the airport is a big pain in the back, do yourself a favour and pack light.
Have all of your liquids packaged correctly in a plastic bag and easily accessible.
2. Dress Business Professional But Light
Wear shoes that do not have zippers or laces, slip ons are perfect. You have to take them off so you want it to be easy while you are balancing your laptop and other articles at the security line. Wear socks, no one wants their bare feet to touch that floor!
No accessive jewelry, belts or layers you'll need to remove during the security line. Make it easy for yourself and others.
Given the new regulations of pat downs, it makes sense to reduce clothing layers.
It is still important to dress professionally as this can mean an upgrade.
3. Organise Your Laptop Case/Purse And Check Airline Rules
Remove all unnecesary items. You will need to open the laptop so make sure it is easy to unzip (no stacks of papers on top of the laptop and pulls out easy).
No extra stuff in your purse or laptop that may be an issue at security, less is more. With new security regulations that vary by airline and seem to be changing daily, make sure that you check with your airline just before backing to be sure you know what you can and cannot take on board. You do not want to be reorganising your luggage at the airport.
4. Prepare Documents Ahead If Possible
If you are traveling regularly between countries that require a custom's document, get extras and fill one out ahead of time (before arriving at the airport) Filling out the document in line while you are trying to balance your laptop, purse and luggage while advancing in the custom's line 6 inches at a time is another pain. Having the document completed in advance means that you will be ready to get in line right away and inch forward without having to be writing at the same time. If you do not go to the destination regularly but live near the airport, it's still worth getting the documents in advance.
5. Select Seats And Print Boarding Passes At Home
Do this in advance so that you don't have to at the airport. Then it is a matter of just going to the luggage drop off.
6. Just Before Arriving At The Airport, Organise Your Documents
I had a regular habit of pulling out my passport and putting my documents on the photo page all of which were in the same direction before arriving at the airport so that I could simply flash them at the security and they could read my info and my boarding pass all at once. You can hold it or put it in a easy to grab place. A routine is key here. You don't want to be opening up every zipper to try to figure out where you put it. Have it on hand.
7. Organise Yourself In Line
Take off a coat/jacket while waiting in line. Pull out your laptop, be ready to place all items in the security bins when you get to the conveyor. Don't make them ask you. Have it ready.
8. Consider Purchasing Lounge Access
If you do not have access to a lounge, consider buying a pass. It may be worth it, especially now that you need to be at the airport several hours ahead of time due to increased security. The lounge access will be more comfortable and provide you access to internet connection, food and beverage etc.
Only caveat here is that not all lounges are created equally. Some are not worth the cost. You'd be better to find a restaurant or coffee shop to sit in. You can research lounges online in advance to see if te amenities are worth the cost of the pass.
9. Use the Loo Before Boarding
If in a lounge use the loo there, if not use the one near the gate, much roomier and likely less stinky.
10. Know Where/How You Are Going In Advance
A little investigation in advance can make the experience of going through the airport much easier. This applies to both arrival and departure airports. This is especially true if you are going to a country which is unfamiliar and a different language. Know how you are getting to your hotel, by what transportation method and where is that (in the same terminal?).
Taking a smart phone with local apps can be really helpful too. You may be able to use it to plan local transit etc.
Happy Affordable Travelling
Diwali Festival, India
13 years ago
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